sedu is a new brand exclusive to space nk, who are currently stocking the dryer (above) and their standard size straighteners (below). they both cost £125 each.

the straighteners; setting you back the same amount as a pair of ghd's, the sedu's are a wiser investment in my opinion. the main comparisons being that the sedu ceramic plates are solid ceramic all the way through rather than ceramic coated, which means you will never experience them pulling on the hair as the ceramic wears away or them chipping if accidentally dropped. the ceramic plates themselves are infused with a mineral called tourmaline that helps to smooth the folicles whilst not damaging the hair as much and reducing static and frizz (i tested them out on a lady with very thick hair, with tiny, tight curls and it straightened seriously quickly and left the hair really silky, in mine and her opinion, better than the ghd's would have done). whats also great is the heat dial that will suit your specific hair type, so for people like me who have chemically damaged hair (sometimes mine frazzles with ghd's) its essential and for the thicker, curlier, more stubborn hair types it gives you the option to turn the heat up, even to slightly hotter than ghd's.
the dryer; i got given one in my training (yey!) so tried it out this morning and i have to say im so excited i own one of these! the prospect of spending £125 on a hair dryer, to me, is a lot scarier than spending that on straighteners, so i was very intrigued by this one and wanted to know immediately what made it so 'special'. it claims to dry your hair in double the time as it is powered inside by a ceramic and tourmaline (same as the straighteners, tourmaline giving the healthier, smoother shine) heater which dries each hair strand from the inside out, creating less damage to the outside cuticle, also helping to leave the hair shinier and smoother. also for people with really course, frizzy or curly hair that normally need to blow dry their hair with a brush, then go over it with straighteners should apparently be fine with just the blow dry and wont need to use straighteners at all.
sooooo, anyway i used the dryer this morn (which is the first time ive applied heat to my hair in about 2 months, due to it all snapping off from the bleach that is now growing out underneath the brown, thank god) and i was very impressed! it did dry my hair in half the time which was great, and by the way, the way i dry my hair is seriously lazy, i comb my fringe forward and dry that, then tip my head upside down and dry the rest and thats it, i found that the 'cool' button went so cool, so quickly that when i flicked my head back up, the amount of volume in my hair was unbelievable! so i was very happy to say the least (my hair is the finest, limpest hair possible) but also i didnt believe it would still have the same volume by the time i'd got to work, but, to my surprise and delight, my hair was still full of volume (i used no products apart from a leave in conditioner on the ends) and it was definately shinier than usual! gold star sedu!
both come with a 2 year guarantee and have 9 ft chords that have an anti-tangle mechanism (thats possibly only interesting for pro use). oh, and also the hair dryer is smaller than most dryers making it great for having in a kit, or for travelling, but also for me it makes me less cack handed when styling my own hair!
(p.s i use very little correct grammar or punctuation here through choice, apologies if it offends anyone!)